湖南瑞健节能设备制造有限公司(原湖南节能设备研究所),成立于1983年,是经湖南省科委批准设立的集科、工、贸于一体的综合型企业。二十多年来,一直从事中药提取、浓缩成套设备的研制。系中国制药装备行业协会会员单位。拥有一类压力容器设计资格证、一类压力容器生产许可证及压力管道安装许可证。 公司在发展的过程中成立了湖南百草制药有限公司、湖南希尔天然药业有限公司及博仲盛景生物技术(北京)有限公司,从而使公司步入了多渠道发展轨道,并为客户在提取设备的选型及制药工艺的研究方面提供了良好的实验场所。 公司现有员工中,具有职称的15人,中级职称的37人,大专文化以上的占58.5%。 中国的中药在世界天然药品贸易中所占的份额不到3%,落后的提取工艺及工艺设备是制约中药发展的重要因素,我公司愿以诚信、务实的态度欢迎国内外药厂及来我公司参观、带药实验、携手并进,共创辉煌。 Created in 1983, Hunan Ruijian Energy-Reservation Equipments Co., Ltd. (developed from Hunan Energy- Reservation Equipments Institute) is a comprehensive enterprise integrating science, engineering and commerce and has been approved by Hunan Provincial Scientific Committee. During the past over 20 years, it has always been committed in research and manufacture of whole-set equipments for herbal extraction and concentration. It is member of China Pharmacy Equipment Association. It possesses design qualification certificate of category 1 pressure vessel, production license of category 1 pressure vessel and installation license of pressure vessel and pressure conduit. The company has set up subordinate enterprises: Hunan Baicao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Hill Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Bozhong Shengjing Bio-Tech (Beijing) Co., Ltd., which are excellent experimental sites for pharmaceutical technological research and extraction equipment selection, and the company is developing in a multi-channel comprehensive way. There are 15 senior technical employees, 37 intermediate employees in our company, and 58.5% of the employees are college graduates or above. Traditional Chinese medicine shares less than 3% in the international natural pharmaceutical trade, and the undeveloped extraction technology and technical equipments are the main bottleneck problem. We will take a positive and practical attitude, and the door is flung open for pharmaceutical experts abroad and at home to visit us or bring drugs for experiments. Let us march forward together and create a prosperous future. ...展开
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